(Prices quoted below are quoted for 20 children per party)

Please take a look at the below party packages and see which one works best for you. When you've chosen, just drop an email to declaring your interest and we'll arrange a time to give you a call to discuss your party plans!
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Can be spread into 2 x 45 minute blocks with room for party food in between!
  • Or a straight 90 minute session!

Price: €195

  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Can be spread into 2 x 45 minute blocks with room for party food in between! Or a straight 90 minute session!
  • Includes party bags and footy themed pass the parcel!

Price: €275

  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Can be spread into 2 x 60 minute blocks with room for party food in between!
  • Or 3 x 40 minute blocks with small breaks in between

Price: €310